Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Progress with Little to Show for It

I ended up not doing much sewing on Sunday - actually the only thing sewing related was that I bought a pattern for a maid of honor dress. I found some GORgeous fabric but I want my bride's approval before I shell out for it, so I haven't purchased it yet.

Most of the day on Saturday was spent knitting on the Shell Socks. It was a lovely day and I wish I could have been knitting outside, but at least I got tons of progress done on the socks. Took some pretty great pictures too, if I do say so myself.

These are the Child's First Socks in Shell Pattern from Knitting Vintage Socks. These are the ones I made back in January for my mom - you can tell I like this pattern because I knit three complete socks for her (the first didn't fit and I had to reknit) and now I'm making some for myself. I have had to alter the pattern though - my gigantic feet require a less dainty and more manly sock.

The last couple of days we've had a cold snap here in WI. Well, it's normal for this time of year, but it feels like a cold snap this year. It's been all wet and rainy, and so the work forges ahead on the Henly Hoodie.

I must admit, all this stockingnette is somewhat tiresome, but I have Hercule Poriot to help me with it, and the color - the color is lovely. I'm really tailoring it to myself too, so I hope to have a really flattering final product.

I love a nice overcast day when you can get good photos. Hopefully the Hoodie will start zipping along - I want to be able to wear it this spring! Until this blessed cold snap, it was getting too warm!

1 comment:

  1. Found your blog via Ravelry (where I am Legendsmom) - love your stuff. I have ties to Madison - my brother lives there (he was in the Shorewood area for many years - now in Oregon WI). I'm in Tucson - come say hi!
