You would think, being in Ireland, that I would be up to my neck in the stuff. You would think that I would be sick of wool, that I would have enough wool to last me for the rest of my life.
The truth is, wool has been in somewhat short supply over here. It seems like the Irish want you to buy their already knit sweaters, not knit your own. This doesn't make a ton of sense to me, but then, I think everyone should knit everything. Everyone needs a thneed.
Also, were you aware that the sun, essentially never sets over here? It is literally birght as day here, and it's well after 9PM as I'm typing. I'm too exhausted to write much more tonight - it's been a pretty go-go-go vacation - but I wanted to post some pictures of the finished Henly Hoodie - literally finished 45 minutes before the cab came to go to the airport.
When it was first finished I was somewhat disappointed, but decided that I would wear if for two weeks on vacation, and if I still wasn't sure I would pull it apart. About a week in now, and I've decided I love it. I did buy buttons for it, but decided to 86 the buttons. I like it just the way it is.
In these pictures, by the way, I'm standing in front of the Passage Tomb at Newgrange, one of the oldest surviving man-made structures on Earth, 500 years older than the pyramids. I got to go inside. And can I get a whoop-whoop for Dream in Color yarns? Look at that Deep SeaFlower, especially in the above picture. They know their dyes.
I'll be telling you all about the wool that I bough on INISHMORE the largest of the ARAN ISLANDS when I get back. I might have bought 6,000 yards. Maybe.
Regularly scheduled blogging will resume 1st week of July when you will be treated to entry after entry of me desperately trying not to get kicked out of the HPKCHC.
Love the hoodie! The color is beautiful